Wednesday, February 13, 2008


One main version:

* (1981) - Only Dreaming (2:34), Ancient Daze (2:36), Ancient Daze CD-R (2:36)

Called "O(ri)fice" on Ancient Daze.

Starts immediately. Both versions fade out quickly at the end, though both Ancient Daze mixes cut off the last second (in which the synth dips down suddenly).

Instruments: Single drum machine pattern; piano-style keyboard melody with nice solo; bass keyboard for bassline; synth accents; two vocal tracks with plate reverb; quiet electric guitar;

What it's about:

Another character sketch, this time about the depressing people who work in an office (punned as an "orifice" in the title). One person aspires to riches, Sarah wants to be a glamorous kept woman, Marlon sees himself as a "super-stud," and the narrator wants to start a crusade which will free everybody from the office. But he, like everybody else, is "just pretending." They're having feeble dreams, though it IS nice to pretend once in a while.

Lyrics (adapted from the Cloud-Zero archive):

Old is the antique wooden desk that I carve my plans on,
stirring his coffee with a cigarette, swearing at the phone.
Do you still have hopes of what you can achieve,
an army of servants to make your tea?
Parties. Banquets.
Or are you just pretending?

Sarah shuffles through the typing pool. Wednesday she plays Garbo.
Ladders her stocking on a nail in the wall, wants to be alone.
Do you still have dreams of that billionaire
who will carry you away to his fur-lined lair?
A penthouse with diamonds.
Or are you just pretending?

Marlon mutters that his names are lost. Sets the teaboy trembling.
Barks a remark about Bonita's bust, sniggers at the slut.
On the hot trail home he's super-stud,
there's a bowl of rubbers in the mud.
They leap as he drops them,
but Marlon's just pretending.

Me, I'm going to get out of this place, I'll smash these chains to pieces.
I'll free the den from the dark disgrace, I'll lead a great crusade.
See the tower guns crack, see the mines cave in;
they'll burn effigies of me but I won't feel a thing.
I'll sing as I sizzle,
or am I still pretending?

It's so nice to get away for a day or two.
Let's pretend, let's pretend that we're fishes in the sea.
Making love beneath the coral reef.
Let's pretend.

Why you should care:

There's the "wish I were a fish" theme again. And it's an awfully pretty song, especially the keyboard solo.

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