Saturday, May 10, 2008

Ideal Home

Two main versions:

* "Ka-Spel Version" (1981) - Chemical Playschool 1 (4:01), Atomic Roses (3:40), Traumstadt I (3:40)

On the Traumstadt I CD, Ideal Home spans 14:22 - 18:00 and is not any different from the cassette version.

The Atomic Roses and Traumstadt I mixes fade in from the previous song ("Atomic Roses #1"), whereas the Chemical Playschool mix fades in. On Atomic Roses and Traumstadt I the song ends abruptly with a strong echo that fades out. The Chemical Playschool mix continues for another 22 seconds with vague scat vocals, slowly fading out.

The only decipherable parts of the vocoder interjections are: "acid"

Instruments: Single drum machine pattern; bass guitar; electric guitar; one main vocal track; constant vocoder interjections modulated by the guitar, with the original vocal source barely audible underneath.

* "Thompson Version" (1981) - Basilisk Bonus Tracks (3:54)

This version is sung by Keith Thompson, with whispered vocal accents by April Iliffe. It is an oddly loung-ey treatment performed over crowd noises.

Instruments: Acoustic guitar; bass guitar; bongos; shaker percussion; vocal track with phaser effect; occasional backup vocal accents.

What It's About:

Angeline and her lover just want to be alone in their ideal country home. Whenever anybody intrudes on their happiness, they lure them into the garden and submerge them in an acid bath. They have done this to many of their neighbours and would happily do it to any intruding gods if necessary. Strangely, though, the lover's skin is "slowly peeling." Did he end up in the acid bath as well? Maybe Angeline isn't as loyal as he'd thought.

Lyrics (adapted from the Cloud-Zero archive):

Angeline, Angeline, do you think this bliss is going to last?
Gazing in your oval eyes, sipping sunbeam sodas from a flask.
And should someone call in on us, to share in our enjoyment,
stay to tea...
show him round the garden and push him in the acid bath,
like the Smythes, like the Hydes, like the Jekylls.

Syracuse, Syracuse, I believe that I saw heaven this very day.
And as you lick my fingertips I'm floating over Devon, far away.
And should someone burst in on me and spoil my meditation,
God forbid,
we'll lead them round the garden, push them in the acid bath,
like the Travers. Never see them round these days.

Angeline, Angeline, your perfume has me reeling like your eyes. Nice.
And as the sun beats down on me, my skin is slowly peeling. Wonder why?
And should Cupid himself drop by, to fire his silver arrows
at our hearts,
we can take him round the garden and push him in the acid bath,
like Apollo, like Adonis, just like Zeus.

La la la la la, la la la.
Buh bah bah, bah bah...

Why You Should Care:

The "voice modulated by guitar" vocoder effect is a nifty idea and sounds quite alien, but it illustrates why people don't use guitars with vocoders very often.

The "Keith Thompson" version shows a very different possible direction for the Dots, much more accessible and commercial.

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