Thursday, May 15, 2008


One main version:

* (1981) - Kleine Krieg (2:13)

After the bell noises at the end of the previous song ("Defeated,") low-pitched oscillating synths crossfade into "Deflated." At the end it crossfades with the introduction to the following song ("Black Highway").

Unavailable elsewhere.

Instruments: Low-pitched oscillating synths; fast-paced oscillating synth in right speaker; instrumental tracks of "Defeated" made choppy with heavy rotor effect; sounds of children playing; distant indecipherable vocoder sounds; birds chirping.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The boy in the song is saying: "Ja, Lucas die zit alles te verraden", which is Dutch and means: "Yes, Lucas is betraying everything". The accent is from the city of Nijmegen, where the Legendary Pink Dots have lived, or still do. The phrase "...alles te verraden" is repeated faintly.